A gravação de Fidget ("Freme" para o português) dura exatas duas horas, em que cabem as doze horas durante as quais Kenneth Goldsmith gravou os próprios movimentos, primeiro em voz alta, depois em texto. A performance dialoga com essa tentativa de transformar movimentos em palavras e com a fricção entre o que se diz e o que se escreve, o que acontece e o que depois se registra.
Enquanto toca a gravação do livro, o performer deve escrever durante duas horas, ininterruptamente, descrevendo os movimentos do próprio corpo e dialogando livremente com o texto que Goldsmith registrou anos atrás. Ao longo da performance, a exaustão de Goldsmith e a exaustão do performer se encontram na dificuldade crescente em encontrar uma linguagem capaz de ocupar o tempo e o corpo restante.
A cada vez que faço a ação, um texto é produzido. A compilação desses textos também é parte da performance.
EN FREME [now I write, but it is as if I were speaking] is a performance by playwright João Turchi, presented for the first time in 2016, from the book "Freme", by Kenneth Goldsmith, translated by Caetano Galindo.
The recording of Fidget ("Freme" for Portuguese) lasts exactly two hours, which was written about the twelve hours when Kenneth Goldsmith recorded his own movements, first out loud, then in text. The performance dialogues with this attempt to transform movements into words and with the friction between what is said and what is written, what happens and what is later registered.
While playing the recording of the book, the performer must write for two hours, uninterruptedly, describing the movements of his own body and dialoguing freely with the text that Goldsmith recorded years ago. Throughout the performance, Goldsmith's exhaustion and the performer's exhaustion can be seen in the increasing difficulty in finding a language capable of occupying the remaining time and body.
Every time the action is done, a different text is produced. The compilation of these texts is also part of the performance.